Service Guarantee
Upfront Pricing
As a business owner or property/share investor you need to know the cost of any work required and whether it meets your budget. Before preparing your group tax returns or undertaking any advisory work, we'll tell you exactly how much it's going to cost. In the unlikely event you receive an invoice you weren’t expecting from us, we’ll reverse the charge. And remember, all our fees are tax deductible.
Prompt Responses
We respond to your phone calls, emails and requests for information within one business day. We don't just listen, we hear you. Your service is tailored from the get go.
Best Tax Result
We'll refund your fee for a lodged tax return in the unlikely event an error was made that would have entitled you to a better tax result. We'll also prepare an amended return for lodgement with the ATO at no cost.
Lodgement Deadlines
We meet all lodgement deadlines. In the unlikely event our office is responsible for missing a deadline, we’ll pay any penalties you incur and credit your next invoice for $200 for the inconvenience.
100% Satisfaction
We get to know your business and personal situation to make sure we take advantage of all the concessions, offsets and deductions you are entitled to. We deliver value and earn your trust.

Accounting Done Right.
Let's discuss your financial requirements
and schedule a consultation